Friday, 2010-05-21
I have started collecting quotes from my favorite science fiction authors/works that include the word so. Eventually I will combine them into a tattoo design, with placement as yet undetermined.
What I have, ahem, so far:
- Star Trek: The Next Generation,
“Make it so.” - Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut,
“So it goes.” - Battlestar Galactica,
“So say we all.” - Philip K. Dick, from his introduction to The Golden Man,
“In a nutshell, I fear authority but at the same time I resent it — the authority and my own fear — so I rebel. And writing SF is a way to rebel.” (With the second sentence in mind, I can think of no quote more perfect than So I rebel.)
Works for which I need your help:
- Star Wars — original trilogy preferred, natch.
Yoda? - The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien.
Allowing Tolkien's masterpiece even though it falls outside the science fiction genre.