Saturday, 2005-03-05
emo bullshit
I've got this friend named Jason. He doesn't take comment fields all too seriously. For his website domain, Jason supplied a non-existant domain.
Well, guess what's now coming soon to a browser near you: For some backstory read the following choice IM conversations.
Jason: emo bullshit - adj - a description of blog content
Me: haha
Me: that's emo bullshit?
Jason: check out
Me: dude
Jason: yeah, the emo race is on my friend.
This has been a — egregiously late — Post to the Past Production.
Tuesday, 2005-03-01
still running
It's nearly (if not) midsemester and I haven't stopped running to catch the bus. Considering my lack of effort/motivation at this point in semesters past, this is a welcome change — and bodes well for my academic standing post-Spring.