Wednesday, 2005-02-23
yct hits a new low (if that's even possible)
You may have heard about the University of Texas YCT Chapter (or its ilk) from such notable events as the Affirmative Action Bake Sale or, more recently, their "Kerry Dump". I've been informed that the group is set to have another "performance" on campus tomorrow. Details of the event, from the group's website:
YCT will be hosting "Catch an Illegal Immigrant Day" this month (date is forthcoming). This will take event on the West Mall with the purpose of educating people about the negative effects of George W. Bush's propose amnesty plan for illegal immigrants.
Throughout the day students will have the ability to be deputized by a YCT member and then go out and try to catch those wearing a shirt saying "illegal alien" on them. Students who successfully accomplish this will be rewarded.
Lest we forget that a majority of Americans descend from immigrant roots. Or that immigrants are some of the hardest working/respectable persons in this country. Do they deserve punishment for obviously attempting to make a life for their families and themselves?
Whatever happened to "Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..."?
Friday, 2005-02-18
vote [verb]
SG races are in full force and I'm doing my best to hiss at every party member on the West Mall who attacks with fliers/indoctrination.
Ignite and Connect are running for office this year. Last year it was Focus and Reprezent. If campaigns continue to use verbs to identify tickets, we're going to have to revoke their active verb privileges.
Tuesday, 2005-02-15
time shifting
Time shifting experiment in progress at the Pentagon? I'm in a Tuesday/Thursday class now — at 15:03 — and last Thursday feels like months ago.
I asked the person sitting next to me if the time period since Thursday seemed longer than usual; yes, his response. Conspiracy!
Monday, 2005-02-14
the gates
I'm really considering going to New York for Christo and Jeanne-Claude's The Gates exhibit. At $225 US for a round-trip flight, there isn't much holding me back.
Why? Why not? The two environmental artists have spent 26 years planning an event that will only last 16 days. When else would I experience something so beautiful and transformational — and never to be repeated?
[The Gates] short life-spans creates a preciousness and an urgency, encouraging us to bear witness and drink in the art as much as we can, while we can.
Sunday, 2005-02-13
diet of japan
Members of British Parliament don't hesitate to step on members toes — they'll insult and ridicule each other. Very entertaining to watch and you have my personal recommendation to stop at C-SPAN.
But have you seen the Diet of Japan? Watching their political discussions in high school left a lasting impression. Legislators, as I recall, practically beat each other up. You haven't lived until you've seen Japanese Parliament.
P.S. If you know where I can get my Diet proceedings viewing fix, please fill me in. I imagine webcasts exist at the House of Councillors and Representatives sites — if only I knew Japanese...
Friday, 2005-02-11
Most likely giving fuel to my enemies by mentioning this, but I hate the word matriculate.
Call me sadistic, but here's a call to arms: post the word correctly in a sentence in the most absurd way possible. Bring on the pain!