Sunday, 2004-10-24
all systems no
With a heavy heart, I voted no for Capital Metro's commuter rail plan. It just wasn't what it should be. I couldn't be any more pro-transit and therefore any less against the All Systems Go proposal.
Here's why:
- How can a mass-transit plan not provide direct routes to the largest employment locations in the city? Any proposal that doesn't involve rail passing The Capitol or The University of Texas should be a no go.
- Related: Commuters will need to take buses to get to prime downtown Austin locales? This renders the advantages of transit nil. Considering our current car culture, many will continue to prefer the convenience of their own autos.
- Not only will we have to transfer, but the lines (in addition) have a thirty minute headway? Speaking to our car culture again.
Chip Rosenthal has made an outstanding point: "Commuter rail is intended to move people relatively quickly over long distances. Think Cedar Park to the Capitol, not 6th Street to campus. A working commuter rail line would be great, it would relieve some of the pressure on routes such as I-35 and Mopac."
Journey on over to Mike Dahmus' blog; his opinions are better formed and more detailed than my own. They are also the primary reason why I reconsidered my support of commuter rail.
Thursday, 2004-10-21
Last nite I saw Tarnation, which, as Matt said, is a movie worthy of its hype. When you get the chance to see this groundbreaking feature, take it. If anything, you'll awe in the unique beauty of the film.
Then you'll find it was entirely created in iMovie and be truly blown away. Or have I broken the news?
Or instead, like me, you'll spend the entire length of the documentary trying to store a particular tune in your memory — so you can later hum it to an audiophile. Only you keep dropping the sounds of the song, as scenes fade in and out.
But maybe (just maybe) I've already researched the score enough to spare you the trouble, so you can sit back and watch the screen flicker as your mind takes it all in.
aids walk austin
My sister, Olivia, is participating in AIDS Walk Austin this year. She's only a short ways away from reaching her (new) goal of $500! Donate to a worthy cause and help push her fundraising over the top.
Saturday, 2004-10-16
political status at [thefacebook]
I enjoy playing the liberal, moderate or conservative game at [thefacebook]. This (self-created) time-killer involves guessing political status based on profile pictures. I'd say I'm right about 33% of the time.
Wednesday, 2004-10-13
bush: not human
A primary concern with the current administration, and in particular Bush, is its inability to admit fault. When Nader, Kerry and Bush were asked a particular question at the New Voters Project:
When is it appropriate for a leader to change their opinion? Both sides have been accused of flip-flopping on important issues - President Bush on establishing the Dept. of Homeland Security and steel tariffs, Senator Kerry on the Iraq war. But changing opinion due to thoughtful reconsideration ought not to be derided as flip-flopping. Tell us about a time when you had an honest change of opinion on a topic of national importance.
...only one of the three didn't dignify the question with a response. Take a stab at who. (I'll give you a hint. He's not human.)
Monday, 2004-10-11
the dallas high five
This weekend the Gemma and I witnessed the grotesque marvel that is the (euphemistically named) Dallas High Five. Straight out of Metropolis, or hell, this beast of a highway interchange arose in the darkness of the night.
We found ourselves guided through a temporary one lane connection — I-75 to I-635 — on our way to our hotel. No need for sleep. The nightmare that is the Dallas highway system had already enveloped us.
Friday, 2004-10-01
lights on?
Just watched my professor struggle to use the light system in our conference room. He gave up and it is now fairly dark (less lit than before his attempts, even).
It's probably more than coincidental that I was reading the The Design of Everyday Things, at the time. Meaning, the technology now in place in the recently remodeled Mezes and Benedict halls is in many places, poorly designed.