Wednesday, 2004-06-09
Rannie Turingan has posted at photojunkie what is now my favorite picture of — pardon the self-aggrandizing — myself.
My photo-commentary. I can take no credit for this picture. The hair is patented to Bed Head Stick and the charismatic glance appears courtesy of a couple beers. The superb quality of the photo: all Rannie.
2004-06-18 08:17 / photojunkie:
Feel free to use the photo on your bio page if you like.
2004-06-25 11:55 / Jonathan Horak:
I'd actually thought of doing that but was going to ask you first, of course.
2004-07-06 00:31 / taylor:
hey, that is SUCH a good picture! i love it! have fun in the big apple!!!!!!