Monday, 2004-06-28
congratulations, today's another day
Today's my 21st birthday. I intended to explain my theory of time (and corresponding annual events), but I don't feel up to doing so right now.
Maybe tomorrow, as it's only another day.
Friday, 2004-06-25
the last straw
What is it with straws in New York? Go to a gas station and get a drink: "Do you want a straw with that?"
I'm not the drink-with-a-straw type. Maybe this is due to what my dad used to always say, "real men don't drink with a straw."
Yes, I have issues (with straws) that go back to my childhood.
Friday, 2004-06-11
picture this!
Since arriving in New York, I wonder how many pictures have been taken with me in the background. Countless, I imagine.
Like seemingly so many others here, I tend to be photo-happy. Maybe I'll total the number of people whom I don't know in my pictures after getting back to Austin.
My people to picture ratio will probably be low, though, as I largely focus on inanimate objects and scenery. (These kinds of pictures don't generally fall at eye-level.)
Thursday, 2004-06-10
learning to trust the ground i walk on
There are two common structures on the sidewalks in New York which make me a bit nervous as I walk on them:
I fear basement doors will swing downwards plunging me into the depths, much like trapdoors (of the nightmare variety). Grated ventilation systems for the subways are even more intimidating, as I can see the ground — only it's seemingly far away.
Wednesday, 2004-06-09
Rannie Turingan has posted at photojunkie what is now my favorite picture of — pardon the self-aggrandizing — myself.
My photo-commentary. I can take no credit for this picture. The hair is patented to Bed Head Stick and the charismatic glance appears courtesy of a couple beers. The superb quality of the photo: all Rannie.
central park
If New York is another world for me, Central Park is another world within it.
Upon entering the park, sounds of the city began to fade and trees become walls of shelter. There seems to be a silent understanding that guests are escaping the bustle of New York. So they're quiet.
Central Park's boundaries couldn't be any more symmetrical. Nature doesn't follow a grid (unless forced). The parcel of land is so perfectly constructed that it's easy to become optimistic and forget that it is largely landscaped.
Considering the surroundings, it is miraculous that Central Park remains green and not asphalt and skyscrapers.
Tuesday, 2004-06-08
to do (in new york)
This is a simple record of where I've been in New York and where I intend to go. Help make my time in the area more interesting by suggesting places I should check out.
Eat/ate at:
Mini Star Restaurant2004-06-06
Staten Island Ferry2004-06-06
See/n, Visit/ed:
- Angel statue in the middle of Central Park
Bryant Park2004-06-02Central Park2004-06-05Chinatown2004-06-02- Coney Island
- Grand Central Station
- Ellis Island/Statue of Liberty
- Guggenheim Museum
Little Italy2006-06-05- The Dunny Show
Times Square2004-06-01- Union Square Park
Wall Street2006-06-04Washington Square2006-06-07World Trade Center2006-06-03
Many of these locations will be visited multiple times throughout the summer.
Thursday, 2004-06-03
horse on the loose
Just saw a horse trot away from his NYPD handler on 42nd St. A countless number of cameras simultaneously surfaced, although mine didn't.
There's something otherworldly about seeing a horse navigating around taxis right next to Times Square. And then watching even the New Yorkers react (a bum, for example, yelled boisterously).
Wednesday, 2004-06-02
anatomy of new york
Through collaboration with JP New York's anatomy (at least in human metaphor) has been revealed:
- People: Blood of the city. Traveling through blood vessels, bringing life to the organism.
- Subway routes: Veins.
- All other forms of mass transit: Capillaries.
- Good people: White blood cells.
- Bad people: Damaging bacteria.
- Times Square: Heart of the city.
- Bridges: Synapses of the brain.
- Parks: Lungs.
Since talking to JP I've added parks as the city's lungs.
After struggling to understand the transit system for over an hour and a half, parks provided solace and a breath of fresh air.
Tuesday, 2004-06-01
I'm in New York now and feel smaller than I've ever felt before. Tiny.
But not insignificant.
In my first travels in the city, New York devoured me whole. I'll be here for two months, but it seems like I'm leaving tomorrow.
This can't be real? Oh, but what's most exciting is it is.