Sunday, 2004-05-09
fair use has a what?
Unlike the cool kids that are capable of putting stickers on their laptops chaotically, I have to position them surgically.
I'm tragically un-cool.
Regardless, I enjoy watching people double-take my EFF quote, which reads "FAIR USE HAS A POSSE".
Fair use has a, nu-uh, it doesn't say that. Or does it? The "oh!" face immediately — well, not for everyone — follows. Then a puzzled "I don't get it" befalls the casual viewer. You probably never will.
So I'm not hip; but at least I have my arrogance to fall back on.
2005-10-03 08:27 / Nybble:
Yes, I am EXACTLY THE SAME WAY! It takes me like 10-20 minutes to put a sticker on my laptop. Any other thing i dont care where the sticker is. Funny isnt it?
2005-10-03 22:46 / Jonathan Horak:
This entry was posted back when I was borrowing a loaner-type laptop from my employer (after my laptop broke).
Now that I have a pristine white Apple iBook, though, I keep it protected from scratches and especially gooey stickers.