Sunday, 2004-03-14
supersize me
After a long day's hard work, I headed to the SXSW Interactive Opening Party, held this year at frog design. Seemed pretty cool overall, but there weren't too many familiar faces in the midst.
Some started walking a block over to the Paramount Theatre for the documentary Super Size Me. Having heard the hype surrounding the film — must have been a lot of it, as I'm not a film buff — I decided to give its rapidly building queue a shot.
Thanks to the assistance of a co-staffer, who spotted a poor, solitary Intern, I managed to get in. Immediately after settling, I noticed that two rows in front of me there happened to sit Ethan Hawke, one of my favorite actors. Being a celebrity-encounters-newbie, and having seen so few celebrities before, I found myself sadly amazed by minor details (e.g. Ethan eats skittles?). This unhealthy "obsession" faded as the lights dimmed.
During question and answer, I took a few pictures of Morgan Spurlock, the film's "Producer / Director / Guinea Pig." Craziest thing: a single picture with Ethan snuck into the set.
Regardless of the aforementioned celebrity sighting, make sure to check out Supersize Me. It'll make you think and/or concerned for the current state of health in America.