Friday, 2003-12-26
belated christmas gift (for myself)
Just bought The Ben Stiller Show on DVD over at Amazon. Having never seen the series I'm hoping I'll like it.
Pretty sure I will though, as Ben Stiller always gets a laugh — out of me. Maybe this has to do with his self-effacing attitude/humor (and my similarities to this trait). One will never know. Will one?
2004-01-02 04:36 / Sam Walker:
May I suggest Heatvision and Jack? It's a little-known comedy, the creation of Ben Stiller and starring Jack Black and the voice of Owen Wilson. Black portrays an astronaut who flies too close to the sun, making him super-smart, but only when the sun is out. NASA tries to lock him up, but he escapes, in the process getting his friend turned into a talking motorcycle, Heatvision (Wilson). It's quite strange, but good. Not sure where to find it though - I downloaded an episode of BitTorrent.
2004-01-02 10:47 / Jonathan Horak:
Thanks Sam, I'll most definitely check 'Heatvision and Jack' out. Especially considering I'm a fan of both Jack Black and Owen Wilson.