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The Writings on the Stall

Tuesday, 2002-08-20

junk email

I never really wanted to use Outlook Express. It always seemed to be a pain. If I customized the installation of Internet Explorer so that it wouldn't be bundled it usually would still somehow magically install.

Back to topic.

Having a couple email addresses that are all POP3 finally pushed me towards the use of the program. When I found out I could use it to check my Hotmail account I was sold. All the emails I had wanted to backup for such a long time are now saved and organized on my computer. I can put folders inside of folders inside of folders...well, you get the idea. So stop selling the program Jonathan. Get back to topic.

Outlook Express automatically checks all of my accounts when it first loads and every minute or so thereafter. A couple days ago, as Outlook was loading, the sync hit a brick wall. That brick wall was 216 junk emails in my Hotmail account. This shouldn't have happened. I'll tell you why.

Those 216 emails were all from the same email address. Sorry, 215. One was from another sender. At some point a red flag should have alerted Hotmail's email handlers to the spam bomb (instead of putting me over my limit and thus blocking any emails that I might have received). Thanks for the notice. What if I'd been away from my computer for an extended period of time? Crazy thought, yes, but such might be possible.

"There. Now wasn't that cathartic, Jonathan?"

"Yes. I feel much better now, HAL."


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