Thursday, 2002-07-04
when i make up my mind
I mentioned a post or two ago how Aletia Hosting has given me a full refund. This money is going to be used to buy my domain via and webhosting services through 2MHost. From the moment I joined Aletia I got poor service, and finally I realized I would have to ask for a full refund soon (because the thirty day full refund time period was about to run out). They sent it to me, but it took a truly threatening email. So, on to why I am really making this post...
I was just battling (only in my mind) whether I should get To tell you the truth, I have been considering getting it for a couple weeks or more. This post was going to be a call for ideas for domain name ideas, but I have decided I don't need your input. Circa 1983 it is. When opens up who knows what'll happen. I might just get it too.
2003-06-20 11:05 / Gemini:
;) I certainly hope that doesn't open up any time soon.. ;)
Unless of course you want to offer large sums of cash... ;)
2003-11-14 10:30 / Jonathan Horak:
To tell you the truth, I'm happy I never got random ramblings or just another dotcom. I'm very pleased with what I have now.