Saturday, 2002-06-29
19 years of age
I turned nineteen yesterday and I must say it was the greatest birthday I've probably ever had. Usually I am a very very hard person to get gifts for. That is just because I am unbelievably difficult at times.
I grew up in a family that gives money on birthdays instead of actual gifts. That works great and all — until someone gives you an actual gift. How do you respond? What kind of expectations do they have of your reaction? Needless to say, I have reacted poorly on quite a few occasions in the past year. One of the worst was for a teddy bear that Gemma gave me. I basically rejected it, realizing afterwards the thought and time she had put into getting the bear for me (which should have been more than enough to put a smile on my face).
So this time I wanted to do better. I wanted to act better and be more polite. Turns out though that all of the gifts my beautiful gal gave me were great. Incredible even. Six highly successful gifts out of six.
My brother and sister also went all out. Their gift was so thoughtful and freakin' ingenuous. They sent me pieces to a puzzle they made for every day of the week culminating with the last two pieces on my birthday. Along with every set of pieces came also a well picked card and some money for their poor college student of a brother. When I get a chance I will post a scan of the puzzle they sent me here.
On another note, I finally received the full refund yesterday I was owed by Aletia hosting. I'd say that was perfect timing. More about this on my next post.
All in all, a great birthday made possible by those that I know truly care about me.
One last thing: I haven't mentioned certain other family members that have given me money for my birthday (to help this struggling Longhorn). I am so thankful and grateful to them also.
2002-06-30 21:04 / Olivia:
What were the six presents Gemma gave you?
2002-07-09 00:20 / Jonathan Horak:
Journal entries are on the way to answer that question.